The July Headache Blog Carnival - How Spirituality Helps Us Cope with Migraine Disease - has been posted over at Diana Lee's Somebody Heal Me. Yours truly has submitted an entry, along with many other worthwhile entries I'm still working through.
Generally speaking, a blog carnival is a collection of links to a variety of a blogs on a central topic. The Headache & Migraine Disease Blog Carnival has been created to provide both headache and migraine disease patients and people who blog about headache disorders with unique opportunities to share ideas on topics of particular interest and importance to us. Visit the link to this month's carnival for a collection of informative entries on how spirituality helps us cope with migraines and headaches.
Be well,
“Acceptable” B12 Levels: Too Low?
2 days ago
Hey MJ,
Thanks for the links. I got a 6 out of 10 on the quiz, suggesting that maybe I should start looking for a new doctor. I really appreciate the help and advice!
Hey again MJ,
I'm a little confused, in general, about these blog carnivals. Can you explain it to me, please?
Hey Leslie, glad I could help with your decision about your doctor.
A blog carnival is basically a collection of posts written by a number of different bloggers about a particular theme. There are a couple that I usually participate in; this one (headache/migraine) and a coping with pain blog. Both of these blog carnivals are monthly, with a different theme (picked by the host) each month.
Hope that makes sense! Let me know if you need more explanation.
Be well,
Hi, I think your blog is terrific, and I would like to feature you on
wellsphere .
Would you drop me an email at Dr.Rutledge(at)
Good health!
Geoffrey W. Rutledge, MD, PhD
Dr.Geoff's MedBlog
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